Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Malaysian Feng Shui expert dismisses Mayan calendar’s apocalyptic myth

Malaysian Feng Shui expert dismisses Mayan calendar’s apocalyptic myth

    Feng shui master and founder of the Malaysian Institute of Geomancy Sciences ,Professor Master David Koh, said that people should not put their money on the world ending on December 21, as some have misinterpreted the ancient Mayan calendar. “When the Mayans printed the calendar, December 21, 2012 was the end of one calendar cycle,” he said, adding, “So surely a new cycle will have to begin.” He also gave an assurance that all the studies conducted by leading scientific authorities had shown no indication that the world would undergo any massive changes overnight.
    “We don’t see natural catastrophes that will severely wipe out the entire human population in the next few years,” Koh said.
    “Even if there is a massive volcanic eruption, or even a nuclear war, it is not doomsday,” he added.

    Koh dismissed the December 21 myth as a hoax made popular by the Hollywood film 2012, which revolved around the apocalyptic belief.
    It was also reported that Pope Benedict XVI had rubbished claims that the world would end next week. Although the world was unlikely to end, a Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia climatologist, Prof Datuk Dr Shaharuddin Ahmad, said signs were already there that the world was changing for the worse. “It doesn’t have to be December 21, but there are already so many signs of doomsday,” he said.
    “Climate change is happening rapidly and the world is getting hotter and hotter,” he pointed out.
    “If nothing is done to stop this, the weather will become too hot for crops, water resources will dry up and there will be droughts everywhere,” he added.

A Feng Shui expert has dismissed the December 21 myth as a hoax

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